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HNU team publishes in new journal on digital humans in distribution

24.03.2023, Research:

The Competence Center Growth and Sales Strategies of Neu-Ulm University (HNU) is represented with two articles in the new journal "Journal of Applied Interdisciplinary Research - JAIR". The articles were written as a team effort by master's students, research assistants and the head of the Competence Center, Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer.

The new journal JAIR of the Deggendorf University of Technology enables researchers and young scientists in the applied sciences to present interdisciplinary research topics and scientific results for discussion, to analyze problems and to point out solutions. This makes JAIR one of the first scientific journals to provide an interdisciplinary forum for applied research. The English-language issue is published in the Bavarian Journal of Applied Sciences (BJAS) series and is published once a year in online format.

For the first issue of JAIR, which is dedicated to the topic of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, students, staff and the head of the Competence Center for Growth and Sales Strategies contributed two joint articles. Both articles successfully passed the double-blind peer review process.

In the first article, Noemi Funke, Katja Stadler, Heidi Vakkuri, Anna Wagner, Marc Lunkenheimer and Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer examine the use of digital humans in customer service and discuss the pros and cons of disclosing chatbots in online stores.  

The second article, written by Madeleine Taglinger, Stephanie Jordan and Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Kracklauer, is also dedicated to the topic of digital humans. Using a model for the acceptance and use of technologies, the authors analyze those factors that influence the acceptance of digital humans in online sales.

All contributions can be viewed as an open access version at

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kracklauer  

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JAIR - title of the first issue