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Interdisciplinary meeting: BayWISS doctoral students come together for joint exchange

14.03.2023, Research:

Almost 40 doctoral students met at the beginning of March at the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM) to discuss the topics of doctoral studies and research in the eleven BayWISS alliance colleges. The aim of the event was to promote the exchange across the alliance colleges and to institutionalize it in the medium term. External interested parties were also invited to the event. Robin Renoth, research associate at the DigiHealth Institute at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), was in charge of organizing the meeting together with the BayWISS doctoral student representatives.

In addition to Robin Renoth (Life Sciences and Green Technologies Group), the HNU research assistants Alina Geßler (interested in the Social Change Group), Maximilian Karthan (Digitalization Group) and Daniel Hieber (interested in the Digitalization Group) traveled to Munich to gain more insight into the BayWISS Group Colleges and input for their current projects.

After the welcome and a short introduction of the BayWISS research colleges, the participants filled several presence boards - open pin boards that were filled together - with their topics and concerns. Highlights and lowlights were included, as well as problems and solutions in doctoral projects, visions for the future, tips and tricks for doctoral studies, and ideas for inter-college events. In addition, requests and offers were recorded on a special board.

The resulting impulses and results were discussed in a wrap-up. In the subsequent exchange with some BayWISS network coordinators, the participants looked back on the previous BayWISS activities, talked about current developments and outlined ideas for the future. The inter-college meeting ended with a joint dinner.

With this meeting, the organizing committee fulfilled the wish of the BayWISS doctoral students to intensify the interdisciplinary exchange that had previously only taken place on a selective basis. After positive feedback from the participants, this type of event is to be continued in the future.

About BayWISS
The Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS) was founded in 2015 by the Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences as a communication platform and is intended to intensify the cooperation between the two types of universities. An important pillar of the Bavarian Science Forum is the collaborative doctorates, in which doctoral candidates are supervised in tandem at both a university and a university of applied sciences. In the meantime, eleven collaborative colleges with different focal points have been established within the framework of the Fachforum Verbundpromotion.

Robin Renoth

 (opens enlarged image)
Explanation of the presence boards by HNU organizer Robin Renoth