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New pub­lic­a­tion: Ana­lysis of hol­istic di­git­iz­a­tion  

11.10.2022, Re­search :

Stringent implementation of digitized business and administrative processes requires a holistic strategy. This realization is increasingly gaining ground; however, the approach has hardly been studied scientifically to date. A recently published paper by HNU professor Dr. Daniel Schallmo, among others, closes this research gap.

In the new global digital economy, holistic digitization is central to all nonprofits and for-profits. Recent developments in digital initiatives have increased the need to study holistic digitization. Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, Professor of Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship at HNU, has published a paper on this topic in the International Journal of Innovation Management together with Christopher A. Williams and Joe Tidd.
The paper aims to develop a meta-view of holistic digitization consisting of several fundamental perspectives for strategically oriented digitization. These perspectives include digital strategy, digital transformation of business models, digital implementation, and digital maturity.
Each perspective includes an approach with a process model and relevant content. Building on previous work by the authors, semi-structured interviews were conducted and the findings were used to create an initial, data-driven theory of a meta-view of holistic digitization. The paper offers a relevant concept and outlines an appropriate research methodology to advance this research field.

Schallmo, Daniel; Williams, Christopher A., Tidd, Joe (2022): The Art of Holistic Digitalization: A Meta-View on Strategy, Transformation, Implementation, and Maturity. In: International Journal of Innovation Management 26 (03), Articles 2240007. Online at:

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo (opens in a new window)