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Spe­cial is­sue on Hol­istic Di­git­al­iz­a­tion: Strategy, Trans­form­a­tion and Im­ple­ment­a­tion pub­lished

14.09.2022, Re­search :

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo has co-edited a Special Issue in the International Journal of Innovation Management on Holistic Digitalization: Strategy, Transformation, and Implementation with Joe Tidd, Christopher A. Williams, and Barbara Krumay.

The International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM) is the official journal of the International Society of Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Both IJIM and ISPIM take a multidisciplinary approach to addressing the many challenges of innovation management, rather than focusing on a single aspect such as technology, R&D, or new product development. Both are also international, integrative, and practice-oriented, encouraging active interaction among researchers, managers, and consultants. The journal has an SCImago Journal Rank of 0.48 and is currently listed as a B journal according to VHB JQ3.

This special issue called for submissions of empirical and conceptual papers and studies that address the challenges and opportunities of holistic digitization. Of the more than forty submissions, fourteen papers have now been published in the Special Issue following a peer-review process. The Special Issue presents current scientific research and practical findings on the topic of holistic digitization. Topics covered in the context of holistic digitization include digital maturity, digital readiness, transformation, digital platforms and ecosystems, and digital implementation in conjunction with technology.

For example, the paper "Digital Disruption and Digital Transformation: A Strategic Integrative Framework" identified five key dimensions of digital disruption. On the basis of these and existing disruption theories, the authors developed a theory-based integrative framework for digital disruption. The paper "Individual Digital Transformation Readiness: Conceptualization and Scale Development", on the other hand, aims to conceptualize and operationalize individual employee characteristics that positively influence a company's digital transformation efforts. The goal of the paper "Digital Transformation-Cocreating a Platform-based Business within an Innovation Ecosystem" was to examine digital transformation in the innovative context of an emerging digital platform. The authors analyzed the holistic change process and defined the key elements per process level.

The entire Special Issue can be viewed online via the following link: