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The In­sti­tute for En­tre­pren­eur­ship rep­res­en­ted the HNU at PA­CIS 2022 with two pa­pers

03.08.2022, Trans­fer :

PACIS 2022 was hosted virtually in July 2022 by a joint team from Taipei and Sydney and focused on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems.


The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems is a premier information systems conference in the Pacific-Asia region. PACIS brings together researchers and practitioners in the field of information technology to share their research findings and practices.

Christopher A. Williams, presented the paper "An interaction-based Digital Maturity Model for SMEs" at PACIS 2022, which he co-authored with Daniel Schallmo and others. 

Background to the paper:

The fundamental disruptions brought on by digital transformation create great uncertainties for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While the limited resources and unstructured nature of SMEs present challenges for their digital transformation efforts, these challenges can be overcome with the proper alignment of their current and future capabilities. However, several questions remain about the suitability of existing digital maturity models (DMMs) for SMEs. Our study remedies these challenges by developing an interaction-based DMM for SMEs. We identify interaction areas and dimensions based on SME-specific characteristics through interviews and find that interactions are among the most unique characteristics linking to SMEs’ maturity level. Our study contributes to DMM literature by providing an innovative model allowing SMEs to better understand their capabilities and offering an effective path toward digital transformation. Our model explores the network perspective of DMM, showing that stakeholders greatly influence SMEs’ core, strategy-planning, and decision-making capabilities.

Daniel Hasler, presented the paper “Characteristics of Digital Platforms from a B2B Perspective – ASystematic Literature Review“ at PACIS 2022, which he co-authored with Barbara Krumay and Daniel Schallmo.

Background to the paper:

This paper aims to identify characteristics of digital platforms and their specific manifestations in the B2B domain. Therefore, we conduct a systematic literature review of relevant IS journals and conferences to analyze platform characteristics from a B2B perspective. We determine that researchers use different terms homogeneously for the B2B platforms, e.g., IoT, IIoT, or digital industrial platform. Commonly analyzed characteristics in B2C—network effects and scalability, pricing and competition, platform openness, value co-creation and generativity, boundary resources, platform governance and control—can also be observed in the B2B domain but with different results and challenges, to which we propose avenues for future research.