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Sur­vey: What role do eth­ics and di­git­al­isa­tion play in small and me­dium-sized en­ter­prises?

15.07.2021, Re­search :

The DigiHealth Institute of Neu-Ulm University would like to ask SMEs from the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region for their experiences and opinions on the topic of ethics and digitalisation in an online survey. All information is anonymous. The survey will take about ten minutes.

At the DigiHealth Institute, the increasing digitalisation of the health sector is at the centre of research work. In many sectors, ethical aspects are increasingly becoming a central issue in digitisation projects. New developments also raise new questions about how good and proper coexistence can function. With an ethical perspective, people should become aware of past, present and future actions in order to make correct decisions according to moral norms and values. This is especially true in the workplace, where fair and respectful interaction is particularly important.

At the DigiHealth Institute, we would therefore like to investigate the following question: To what extent are ethical aspects taken into account in the process of digitalisation by small and medium-sized enterprises? Within the framework of an online survey, we would therefore like to ask SMEs from the Ulm/Neu-Ulm region for their experiences and opinions. All information is anonymous. The survey will take about seven minutes.

Link to survey: Ethics and digtalisation in small and medium-sized enterprises (opens in a new window)

We appreciate your participation and thank you for your time and support!

Below you can see a video of the survey: