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"Fo­cus on the hu­man be­ing": HNU hosts 4th net­work meet­ing of the Bay­WISS Health Net­work Col­lege

20.04.2021, Re­search :

This year, the annual network meeting of the BayWISS Collaborative College Health will be hosted virtually by Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU): On 27 April, doctoral students will present their research projects in the field of health and take part in a poster competition. In addition, the focus will be on the work of the Joint Ethics Committee of the Universities of Bavaria (GEHBa).

Founded in 2017, the BayWISS-Verbundkolleg Gesundheit networks scientists in Bavaria and offers a cross-university platform for research on health topics. HNU is one of the four sponsoring universities and is hosting this year's network meeting of the college on 27 April 2021 via video conference.

The programme will first include the presentation of two doctoral projects - including a presentation by Felix Holl, research associate at HNU's DigiHealth Institute. This will be followed by a poster competition among the doctoral students. The three best project posters will be determined in advance and may be presented live at the network meeting. Afterwards, the winner will be chosen and awarded a prize.

In addition, the thematic focus of the 4th network meeting is on the work of the GEHBa and its role in the Bavarian research landscape. A panel discussion will address the opportunities and challenges of this joint ethics committee, which deals with ethical issues in medicine, nursing science and technical research. Participating in the discussion are Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda, HNU professor and chairman of the GEHBa, Prof. Dr. Barbara Terborg from HAW Kempten and Prof. Dr. Karsten Weber from OTH Regensburg.

Details on the programme can be found on the website of the Verbundkolleg (opens in a new window).

Interested parties can still register for the event until 25 April via (opens in a new window); the Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants in advance via BayWISS.

Contact at HNU:

PD Dr. Elmar Buchner; overall moderator and member of the steering committee of the Research Training Group on Health.

About the BayWISS Collaborative Programme on Health:

With its lively network as well as idealistic and financial support, the BayWISS Research Training Group "Health" offers graduates - especially from universities of applied sciences - the opportunity to qualify academically and thus develop into excellent scientists*.