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Hol­i­day period is the time for in­di­vidual con­sulta­tions

05.08.2020, Post­gradu­ate :

Especially now, during the holiday season, you can relax and find time to think about your future professional development. A further training at the university New-Ulm offers the possibility occupation-accompanying new ways to go!

When is the best time to start a new step in your development? As soon as possible! Why not join the next course in mid-September 2020 and just get started? The application deadline for our further education offers is August 31st, 2020. Everyone has his or her own educational and life path. Get individual advice from our course leaders and staff at the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies:

- Make an appointment by e-mail for a personal counselling interview with the heads of study, which can currently be arranged by telephone or via Zoom.

- Please contact our staff at the Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies by telephone:+49 (0)731-9762-2525

We are available for you at the following times: Monday to Thursday, 9:00 - 16:00, Friday 9:00 - 12:00. You are welcome to contact us at any time by e-mail.

We are looking forward to a conversation and an interesting exchange with you!


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