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Di­git­iz­a­tion in care: Joint pro­ject CARE RE­GIO re­ceives award at in­ter­na­tional con­fer­ence

04.08.2020, Re­search :

A presentation on the Bavarian-Swabian initiative for digitization in care, the CARE REGIO project, received the "Best Communication Paper Award" at the virtual conference "18th International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH) 2020" held in Athens, Greece.

The presentation introduced the innovative project CARE REGIO in Swabia (Bavaria) to the international audience. CARE REGIO is being carried out in cooperation with the Universities of Kempten, Augsburg and Neu-Ulm, the University of Augsburg, and the University Hospital Augsburg. The project aims to establish new digitization concepts and the continuous digitization of patient data in nursing, which are expected to optimize the time and effort required by administrative and nursing staff. Moreover, CARE REGIO seeks to facilitate the transfer of nursing patients between different institutions and make processes for nursing staff more efficient. The CARE REGIO project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege). The conference presentation was created and presented by Michael Örtl, research associate at HNU’s DigiHealth Institute.


Örtl, M., Holl, F., Fotteler, M. L., Kramer, F., Mahler, A. Merli, D. Mess. E. V., Schmid, S., Teynor, A., Friedrich, P. & Swoboda, W. (2020) Digitalizing Nursing in the Bavarian Swabia Region of Germany – Presentation of the Joint Project CARE REGIO. In: Mantas, J. et al. (Eds.) The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during a Pandemic, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 265-266. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200545

Conference abstract:


 (opens enlarged image)
ICIMTH Best Communication Paper Award

Pro­fessor Dr. Wal­ter Swoboda

Research Professor at the Faculty of Health Management

Head of the DigiHealth Institute

Chairman of the Joint Ethics Committee of the Bavarian Universities (GEHBa)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1610

Location: Main Building B, B.2.24

To profile of Professor Dr. Walter Swoboda

Walter Swoboda