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Stu­dents in­spire NGO "Yeswecan!cer" with new app concept

10.07.2020, Study :

Cancer is a taboo subject, creates fear and feelings of shame. Germany's largest self-help group, Yeswecan!cer, wants to change this! Students of the HNU designed concepts to optimize the existing app and convinced the company. A successful example of practice-oriented studying!

In the first master's semester of the International Corporate Communication and Media Management programme, students in the subject "Human Centered Design and Design Thinking" work on a project dealing with the user-friendly presentation of applications - the user is the focus of attention. The cooperation partner in the summer semester 2020 was the Berlin non-profit organisation yeswecan!cer gGmbH.  
Recently, the students presented their results and inspired the team of yeswewan!cer. 

The project was great, we spoke with a lot of strong and impressing people and did our best to create value. I learned a lot and I am glad our input could help!

The students used qualitative and quantitative methods to research the needs of cancer patients and their relatives and then optimized the user experience of the existing app using human-centered design methods. The YES! APP promotes the dialogue, exchange of information and experience among patients and their relatives and wants to help them to help themselves. In addition, live chatting with experts is also possible and the app shows suitable cancer advice centres or self-help groups in the vicinity. In addition, the students developed an extension with a health app and marketing materials that can be implemented in the future. 
As a thank-you for the great and comprehensive support, the company gave all 30 master students of the course a "Creative Toolkit" with design thinking and user experience methods. The cooperation was also very well received by the students: they are pleased that they were able to create added value for a real company and that their work is appreciated. A win-win project!

I really liked that it was a relevant topic. I learned a lot applying all the human centered methods and at the same time I was able to support a valuable organization.
