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Some room for im­prove­ment in in­ter­modal mo­bil­ity

29.05.2020, Re­search :

A new paper by Thomas Schulz and Prof. Dr. Heiko Gewald (Faculty of Information Management) analyses how different institutional rules of different actors affect the development of digital platforms for intermodal mobility. The article was published in the journal Business & Information Systems Engineering, the most important German journal of business informatics, in open access format. This will further sharpen HNU's "Mobility and Logistics" research profile.

Quote: Schulz, T., Böhm, M., Gewald, H., Celik, Z. & Krcmar, H. (2020) The Negative Effects of Institutional Logic Multiplicity on Service Platforms in Intermodal Mobility Ecosystems. Business & Information Systems Engineering (in press), 17 S., Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12599-020-00654-z
