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In­ter­na­tional study week with the topic "Com­par­ison of the Health Care Sys­tem between the Neth­er­lands and Ger­many" of the MBA Lead­er­ship and Man­age­ment in Health Care

16.10.2023, Post­gradu­ate :

In early October,  the International Study Week of the MBA Leadership and Management in Healthcare to Rotterdam, The Netherlands took place.

The excursion with the topic "Comparison of healthcare systems - What do the Netherlands do differently?" offered the twelve participants, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Roger Jaeckel, honorary professor at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Paul Kubben, lecturer and MBA alumnus of HNU, an exciting potpourri of topics:

From Digital Transformation in Healthcare in practical application, to an introduction to Dutch healthcare policy, a look at how control centers are organized and operate, a presentation of training systems and rooms for emergency personnel, an explanation of hospital organizational structures, and an experience of everyday practice in a socially deprived area, the students were offered a deep, enriching insight from expert physicians and practitioners. Practical knowledge at first hand, vividly conveyed and in an international context.

The excursion program was framed by the highlights of the city of Rotterdam: Rotterdam Market Hall, Erasmus Bridge, water cab ride to the Lido Grill restaurant on the former cruise ship, sunset experience on the Euromasten observation deck. 

The excursion is a mandatory part of the internationally oriented MBA program and is highly appreciated by the participants due to the high practical relevance of the program points and lectures.