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HNU MBA stu­dents ex­plore Is­raeli en­tre­pren­eur­ship cul­ture in Tel Aviv, Is­rael

09.05.2023, Post­gradu­ate :

Students from the MBA program „Digital Leadership and IT-Management“ visited a number of startups and tech companies in Tel Aviv in April 2023 to explore the Israeli technology and business landscape.

During the week-long visit, participants had the opportunity to interact directly with executives and company founders and gain valuable insights into the workings and culture of the Israeli startup scene. Visits included companies from a variety of industries, including automotive technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and cybersecurity.

"The visit to Tel Aviv was an incredibly enriching experience for our group," said Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, Director at the Digital Transformation Institute and Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Information Management, who led the field trip. "We got to know many impressive technologies and companies, and it was inspiring to see how these companies use innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to solve complex problems," he further describes the educational trip.  

Participants were equally impressed with what they saw and learned. "A really great experience with a great learning effect, both professionally and "for life," is how Christian Fenzel, a student of the MBA "Digital Leadership and IT Management," sums up the excursion from his perspective.

The visit to Tel Aviv is part of a broader commitment by Neu-Ulm University to provide students with an international perspective and valuable insights into global business and technology trends. Those involved are excited about the opportunity to incorporate the experience and insights into their part-time MBA studies and everyday professional lives.

Information on the  MBA Digital Leadership und IT-Management