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In­ter­na­tional study week of the MBA Gen­eral Man­age­ment to Malta

19.05.2023, Post­gradu­ate :

Students of the MBA program General Management of Neu-Ulm University visited the island of Malta, the L-Università ta`Malta, in April 2023.

The excursion group with program director Prof. Dr. Thomas Hänichen conducted a live case study program there for Gutenberg Press Ltd.

The aim of the international study week, in addition to the cultural insight, is always to apply and further develop the participants' skills in recognizing and effectively dealing with strategic management issues in a generally fast-changing business environment.

In this regard, the real-life challenges and intensive interactions with the partner company Gutenberg Press Ltd and its top management team resulted in a high level of practical relevance.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the good cooperation with the partner company and with Dr. Nathaniel P Massa I Senior Lecturer of L-Università ta`Malta.

Information about the MBA program General Management: