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HNU de­vel­ops cer­ti­fic­ates and con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion pro­grams in the field of AI for the re­gion's SMEs

01.12.2022, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has received a funding award of 100,000 euros for the project "KI@Bayerisch-Schwaben - University Certificate: 'KI-Potenziale im Mittelstand erschließen'". The funds come from the "digital.ING" program - a cooperative project between the Bavarian Ministry of Science and vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. (Bavarian Business Association) for the academic further education of engineers and technicians.

In a total of three funding rounds, the funding program supports nine projects of Bavarian state universities to expand their offerings of university certificates in the field of technical engineering. The target groups are engineers with academic qualifications and technicians with prior vocational training. In the current funding phase, HNU is one of a total of three universities that are now being funded to the tune of around 100,000 euros each.

Aim of the new project: preparing participants for the use of AI in companies

Led by Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, director at HNU's Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT), the HNU project KI@Bayerisch-Schwaben is dedicated to designing continuing education programs for engineers and technicians. The goal of the new project is to prepare participants in the continuing education program for the use of AI in the company: They should be enabled to recognize potentials and possible applications for AI and to implement them in company projects.

Planned corporate network to provide impetus for continuing education programs

In addition, it is planned to establish and maintain a network of medium-sized companies in the Bavarian-Swabian region, which will act as an impetus for further training courses. Within the framework of this network, further education needs are to be identified, from which adequate further education offers are to be derived and thus the positioning of the Center for Further Education (ZfW) in the region is to be strengthened.

Contact person at HNU
Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang (opens in a new window)

 (opens enlarged image)
Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister (left) and Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang