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4th Know­ledgeTrans­fer­Day: Ex­perts dis­cuss top­ics re­gard­ing the academisa­tion of nurs­ing and health care pro­fes­sions

05.10.2022, Post­gradu­ate :

The 4th KnowledgeTransferDay of the HNU took place this year in cooperation with the Gesundheitsregionplus in the university centre Vöhlinschloss in Illertissen.

The 4th KnowledgeTransferDay of the HNU took place this year in cooperation with the Gesundheitsregionplus in the university centre Vöhlinschloss in Illertissen. The event was opened by Mr. Marc Löchner (Office Manager of the Health Region plus Neu-Ulm) and the host Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister (Vice President for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Health at HNU).

After the opening, the participants, speakers and listeners discussed current topics from the areas of "Interprofessionality in hospitals", "Academic vs. professional fields of action in nursing", "Fields of application of academic nursing in geriatrics" and "Fields of application of the physician assistant" at the 4th KnowledgeTransferDay on site. The impulse lectures and discussion rounds focused on economic and organisational problem areas as well as quality aspects, competence fields and conflict potentials of the different professions in the health care system.

In the morning, short keynote speeches were held on the respective topics, which could also be followed online via live stream. Experienced experts from practice from the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences, the Agaplesion Bethesda Clinic in Ulm and the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences spoke.

Keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Christian Rester of the TH Deggendorf spoke about problems of interprofessional cooperation in the health care system as well as challenges of nursing staff in the 21st century. Particular attention was paid to the role and competence development of the nursing profession. Which tasks are taken on by professionally trained nurses vs. academically trained nurses? In which areas can nursing assistants be employed? In the future, it will be necessary to find a demarcation of the fields of activity. One topic, for example, was whether personal care of patients is really evident and necessary. Who should primarily take care of them in the future? There was a lively exchange about this practical question.

The second half of the impulse lectures was opened by Ms Natalie Waldherr from the Agaplesion Bethesda Clinic in Ulm. She spoke about the fields of application of academic nursing staff in geriatrics. She presented interesting approaches and solutions from her department.

The last lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Walter Mihatsch of the HNU. He illustrated the job description and the fields of application of the physician assistant in Germany. He focused on the problem of defining fields of application and areas of competence, as well as on the definition of the role of the physician assistant in the interprofessional team.

After the joint lunch break, the workshop "Fields of application: professional vs. academic nursing specialists" took place. The local participants discussed how this change can be initiated and successfully implemented in the facilities and in the minds of those responsible.

The WissenTranserTag always offers interested parties, practitioners and experts a platform for up-to-date knowledge, discussion and exchange. 

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Contact persons B.A. Management for Health and Nursing Professions:

Programme Director Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister:

Research assistant Sonja Jaumann:

More information on HNU's continuing education programmes:

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In the picture from left to right: Anna Eisenschink (Dipl.-BW, former nursing director and board member of the University Hospitals Ulm, today trainer and coach), Marc Löchner (office manager of the Health Region plus Neu-Ulm), Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister Vice-President for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Health of the HNU), Natalie Waldherr (B.A., Nursing Director Agaplesion Bethesda Clinic Ulm).