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Guests from Jo­han­nes­burg: Sum­mer School on Di­gital Trans­form­a­tion and AI

29.09.2023, Uni­versity News :

The participants of the Summer School, which took place on the HNU campus from 24 to 26 September, travelled a long way: 14 MBA students and three lecturers came from Johannesburg (South Africa) to the university in Neu-Ulm to further their education in the fields of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, 30 students took part in the Summer School virtually. In addition to professional input, the event organised by the Centre for Continuing Education (ZfW) at HNU also offered ample opportunity for sightseeing and casual exchange.

After their arrival, the students and teachers from Johannesburg were first given the opportunity to experience Ulm and its surroundings via a city tour. The first day ended with an invitation to a welcome dinner.

On the second day, a two-part lecture by Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo on the topic of "Digital Transformation of Business Models" was on the agenda. Between the lectures, the South African guests had the opportunity to get to know HNU via a campus tour and to visit the Media Lab, the IMA Lab, the International Office, the Founders Space and the Innovation Space.

Prof. Dr. Achim Dehnert was in charge of the third and last day: He gave three lectures on the topic of AI ("Principles of Artificial Intelligence", "Applications of Artificial Intelligence", "Use Cases and Exercises of Artificial Intelligence").

Stephanie Bühren