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In­ter­na­tional Of­fices of Bav­arian UAS were vis­it­ing the HNU

11.05.2023, In­ter­na­tional :

On 10 and 11 May 2023, the heads of the International Offices of Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) were visiting the HNU. The focus was on exchanging experiences with one another as well as with the Bavarian-Indian Centre (BayIND) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK).

For the third time, the HNU hosted the meeting of the International Offices, which takes place every semester at a different Bavarian University of Applied Sciences. The event took place in a hybrid format.

The exchange of experiences on the diverse topics and challenges in the internationalisation of universities of applied sciences was once again the focus of the discussions. Special attention was paid to the implementation and digitalisation of the Erasmus+ programme ("Erasmus without Paper"), the new and increasingly popular options for short-term mobility, the increasingly frequent international degree programmes and the growing number of international degree-seeking students. The joint Bavarian fair activities were also a topic.

On the second day, Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Internationalisation welcomed the participants and emphasised the high importance of internationalisation at the HNU. Ms Verena Seitz, Head of the International Office at the HNU, then presented the latest activities and developments. Ms Wiebke Dörfler, Managing Director of the Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayIND) also provided an exciting insight into the current situation of prospective Indian students and Indian students in Germany.

The exchange of knowledge and experience during the two days is particularly valuable for identifying common challenges and developing joint approaches to solutions.

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Heads of the International Offices of Bavarian UAS as guests at the HNU