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HNU stu­dent from Spain re­ceives DAAD award

17.02.2023, Press Release :

Besarta Sahitolli, a student of business administration at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), was awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 2022 Prize for her outstanding achievements. Besarta Sahitolli received the €1,000 prize for her excellent academic achievements as well as her intercultural skills.

The award was presented by Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Internationalization, at a ceremony that was made up from last year. In his speech, he congratulated the Spanish student and highlighted her impressive academic achievements: "With her professional achievements, her thirst for knowledge, her diligence and ambition, Ms. Sahitolli was predestined for the DAAD Prize 2022. Her commitment to her studies has made a lasting impression on me."

Enthusiastic business student: Future plans in the field of human resources

Besarta Sahitolli came to Germany from Spain at the end of 2017 and has been studying business administration at HNU since 2019. Among other things, she proved her intercultural skills in language acquisition: in just six months, the 23-year-old learned German at C1 level. In the meantime, she is not only fluent in German, but has also been able to improve her knowledge of French - and feels ideally equipped for a possible future career in international companies. Besarta Sahitolli has already found her "dream industry" thanks to her business studies and her work as a student trainee: She would like to specialize in human resources in the future. 

"Winning such an award is not only a great honor and recognition for my achievements so far, but also gives me a very special boost of motivation for my future path in life," says the student. "I am very grateful to HNU, my professors and my fellow students for all the experiences and insights I have been able to gain over the past few semesters, and I am looking forward to using all the skills I have gained now in my future career path."

International Office of HNU

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From left to right: Verena Seitz, Head of the International Office; Cornelia Häusler, Deputy Head of the International Office; Mirjam Wenke, Coordinator for International Students; Award Winner Besarta Sahitolli; Vice President Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer