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In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League: Kick-Off-Meet­ing an der HNU

28.10.2022, Trans­fer :

From October 19, 2022 to October 21, 2022, 17 international professors* and employees* visited Neu-Ulm University (HNU). The reason for this was the kick-off meeting of the International Startup League (ISUL). In workshops lasting several days, the foundation for future cooperation and partnership was laid.

The International Startup League consists of 14 partner universities from nine different countries. At the ISUL kick-off meeting, partners from the countries Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Finland, Greece, Israel and Switzerland were represented.

The ISUL project is a third-party funded project of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The focus is on three project goals: the consolidation of international cooperation, the expansion of digital, international and practice-oriented study programs, and the promotion of networking between teaching, administration and research. The project is funded by the DAAD until the end of 2025.

The event, which lasted several days and was led by Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, Prof. Dr. Jens Pätzmann and Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang, as well as project managers Sarah Leible and Verena Mattes, took place in HNU's Innovation Space. Together with the 17 international partners, a three-day workshop was held to concretize the contents of the project and to plan the further project progress until the end of 2025. Various formats are planned that are dedicated to the topic of entrepreneurship. The next upcoming event will be an international startup festival, which will take place at HNU from May 2 to 5, 2023.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

At the beginning, the ISUL partners were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo and Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer, Vice President for Research, Transfer and Internationalization. After a short round of introductions and a tour through HNU, the participants elaborated on the vision, mission and values of the International Startup League. After the lunch break, another core topic of the ISUL project followed - an international master's program. The goal is for future master's students to be able to study at a different university abroad each semester and for them to be able to put together their own courses. This was followed by a city tour of Ulm as a cultural event, followed by dinner and networking.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

The second day of the ISUL Kick-Off Meeting started with the introduction of StartupSÜD by Linda Mühlbach. Afterwards, Verena Seitz from the International Office also welcomed the ISUL partners and introduced herself. The goal of the second workshop day was the planning of exchange programs of professors, staff, scientists and students. The possibilities of additional certificates and summer schools were also part of the program. The day was concluded with a guided tour of Founders Space followed by a pizza baking workshop by the Ulm-based startup Brotreform.

Friday, October 21, 2022

On the last day of the workshop, the ISUL partners dealt with marketing topics and the planning of the Startup Festival, which will take place every year at one of the partner universities.