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Uni­versit­ies of Ap­plied Sci­ences as a Model for the Fu­ture in Africa

11.04.2022, Uni­versity News :

Despite a growing rate of academization, there is a shortage of skilled workers in a number of African countries - one reason for this is the lack of application focus at the universities there. The German model of universities of applied sciences (HAW) could change this: HAWs are low-threshold drivers of innovation and enable rapid practical transfer of new technologies. Together with Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has founded a network to bring applied sciences to the African higher education sector.

In 2035, Africa will be a continent that successfully generates innovations and creates sustainable prosperity - and applied sciences are the key to this, which the German partners can contribute: This vision drives the newly formed collaborative network of the four HAWs in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein. The goal is to anchor the model of a university of applied sciences in Africa, because: For all African countries, practice-oriented education is necessary for innovative and sustainable development.

Paradigm shift for vocational training, practical cooperation and entrepreneurship in Africa

Thanks to its practice- and demand-oriented education that is closely linked to enterprises, the German HAW model serves as a suitable foil for tertiary education in Africa. Previous practical collaborations with African higher education institutions have already proven useful and eligible for funding in this regard. In this way, German HAWs can contribute to a paradigm shift that helps vocationally-oriented qualifications as well as practice- and application-oriented science gain greater appreciation and ensure that the high innovation potential in African countries is leveraged by anchoring entrepreneurship and a start-up infrastructure.

More information
The thesis paper "Applied Sciences - Growth through Innovation" can be found at the following link:

Contact person at HNU
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer (opens in a new window)