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In­form­a­tion for refugees from Ukraine

24.03.2022, Uni­versity News :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) offers a longer-term perspective for those who have already studied in Ukraine for at least one semester. They should be given the opportunity to continue their studies in Germany. For this purpose, there are low entry hurdles at HNU. Each application is looked at and flexible solutions are to be found. Please note that due to our course offerings, applicants from IT and Management courses only can be accepted!

Please note that enrollment only makes sense if you can also attend lectures at HNU for your previous studies that build on them. For example, if you have studied medicine before, it does not make sense to apply at HNU, as we do not offer a medical program. To do so, please check our study offer at beforehand. Please note that due to our course offerings, applicants from IT and Management courses only can be accepted!


Helpful information for prospective students

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up the "National Academic Contact Point Ukraine (opens in a new window)". The platform offers a comprehensive range of information and assistance for Ukrainian students and researchers as well as the possibility of individual counselling in Ukrainian.

In addition, the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) has set up a Coordination Office for Ukraine (opens in a new window). It offers an overview of funding opportunities for researchers at risk and for higher education institutions, support programmes for Ukrainian students, job boards and practical information after the arrival in Bavaria. Ukrainian students and academics can contact the coordination office for personal counselling in German, English or Ukrainian. The counselling can be used for initial orientation or to answer questions that cannot be clarified at the level of the individual universities.

Summer semester 2022

You can still join the current summer semester at HNU until May 6, 2022. We will enroll you at HNU on short notice through our exchange program. This way, you can attend courses at HNU during the summer semester and earn credits (ECTS) for your studies. Depending on your language skills, you can take courses in English (opens in a new window) and/or courses in German.

We need the following documents from you:

  • University entrance qualification
  • Student ID or matriculation certificate from Ukraine.
  • Proof of language proficiency:
    • B2 in English for taking English-language subjects
    • B2/C1 in German for taking German-language subjects

Mail contact

From winter semester 2022/23

You can apply for a degree program at HNU from 2.5. to 15.07. via the applicant portal

For a Bachelor's program, we need the following documents from you:

  • Application for admission with copy of school report
  • VPD (Vorprüfungsdokumentation ) from (application possible all year round)
  • Proof of German language proficiency B2/C1 (depending on the course of study)

Mail contact

Note for your university entrance qualification: In addition to your university entrance qualification from Ukraine, you need proof of 60 ECTS study achievements. This is a prerequisite to be enrolled in a degree program in Germany.

If you still lack ECTS or German language skills for a Bachelor's degree in Germany, we can enroll you in our exchange program at HNU. Under this program, you can attend courses at HNU, earn ECTS for your studies and improve your German, and then apply to a degree program.

The necessary German language skills can, for example, be acquired in the Propaedeutic FOKuS at the Ulm University: FOKuS - Fachliche Orientierung, Kultur und Sprache für den Studienstart in Deutschland (opens in a new window).


For a Master's program

First degree, checked by (as for all international applicants from abroad)
Proof of German or English language skills (depending on the study program)

Ukraine (opens enlarged image)