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HNU re­ceives DAAD sup­port for found­ing an In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League

24.03.2022, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) is networking even better internationally with the establishment of an International Startup League (ISUL) and is being supported in this by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with 952,000 euros until 2024 as part of the "HAW.International" program.

The planned project "International Startup League" (ISUL), which is part of the new DAAD program "", integrates internationally oriented studies with the establishment of a startup culture beyond individual country borders. The focus is on three project goals: the consolidation of international cooperation, the expansion of digital, international and practice-oriented study programs, and the promotion of networking between teaching, administration and research. Neu-Ulm University will receive support from 2021 to 2024. One of the HNU initiators, Prof. Dr. Daniel Schallmo, says: "With the International Startup League project, we have the opportunity to take a big step regarding international entrepreneurship together with numerous partners from Israel, Belgium, Austria, Finland and Switzerland."

HNU establishes worldwide networking during studies

The DAAD supports students as well as scientists during stays abroad and universities in strategy development as well as cooperation projects with international partners. Accompanying this, the DAAD offers consulting, training and dialogue services. "The DAAD supports us as a university of applied sciences in preparing students for the working and living environments of tomorrow, in which flexible forms of work and greater international networking are becoming increasingly relevant," says HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "In this way, we establish global networking and international thinking and working already during their studies, which optimizes the career prospects of our students."

Internationalization plays a major role in both business and science. Companies need junior staff who are not only internationally oriented, but also internationally networked. For this reason, Neu-Ulm University (HNU), as an International Business School, focuses on teaching internationality at different levels. Another subject area that paves the way for innovations in society and business and that is also at the center of HNU's strategic development is entrepreneurship, i.e. the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action and the establishment of a startup/founding culture. For this purpose, among other things, the Founders Space was opened at HNU in October 2021.

Further information on the DAAD project " (opens in a new window)

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