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500 par­ti­cipants from 12 coun­tries at the vir­tual IT con­gress Neu-Ulm | Ulm 2021

17.11.2021, Uni­versity News :

"From digitalisation shock to innovation boost" was the motto of this year's IT Congress Neu-Ulm | Ulm. More than 500 interested people watched lectures on IT trends of the present and future. The IT Congress was organised by Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), Ulm University of Technology (THU) and the Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association in cooperation with regional companies.

Again this year, the organising team had designed a virtual format: One part was streamed from the media centre of the HNU, another part from the computers at home. On five different virtual stages, there were presentations by 50 speakers on the topics of "Machine Learning, Data Science and Software Development", "Information Security & Data Protection", "New Work & Modern Workplace" and "Digital Transformation 4.0". In eight break-out sessions, the participants were able to discuss specific topics in more detail.

The audience was welcomed by Ulm's Lord Mayor Gunter Czisch, HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann and the initiator of the IT Congress, Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune. The first keynote on the topic of "Management in Extreme Uncertainty" was held by Hartwig Rüll and Andreas Schrems from Senior Excellence. In the second keynote, "Hacking on behalf - Penetration Testing", Holger Heimann from it.sec GmbH spoke about the diverse approaches and methods of penetration testing.

Martin Schwarz, the organiser of the congress, looks back on the event with satisfaction: "The IT congress was able to deliver exactly what it promised: over 500 participants discussed innovative approaches that were triggered by the digitalisation shock. The fact that the congress took place purely online also enabled exchange with geographically distant participants that we probably wouldn't have reached in Neu-Ulm."

IT Congress Neu-Ulm | Ulm

With the aim of presenting applicable IT knowledge and implementable solutions, the conference is aimed at company representatives from all sectors, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as university staff and students. The IT Congress has been held annually in November since 2010 and now regularly attracts over 400 participants to Neu-Ulm University. The event is organised by Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Ulm University of Technology and the Ulm/Neu-Ulm Urban Development Association in cooperation with regional companies.