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Learn­ing from COVID-19: WHO lists HNU art­icles in global re­search data­base

28.10.2021, Re­search :

An article co-authored by HNU Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder and recently published in the Journal of Strategy and Management on lessons learned from the corona pandemic has been included by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the international research database "Global literature on coronavirus disease".

What lessons for sustainable leadership can be learned from the Corona pandemic? John Grant (USA) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunder (opens in a new window), Professor of Corporate Management at HNU, explore this question in their article "Strategic transformation to sustilience: learning from COVID-19".

The authors shed light on the effects of the pandemic from a socio-ecological perspective and suggest that the findings from COVID-19 be brought together with previous efforts towards sustainability and anchored in corporate and organisational management. If managers here act in a socio-ecologically sustainable way and at the same time develop a corresponding adaptability, the economists argue, the current technical and socio-political challenges can be overcome. Grant and Wunder introduce the concept of sustilience (= sustainability and resilience) into the scientific discussion. Among other things, they relate the "Wedding Cake" model developed with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in which ecological goals form the basis for social and economic ones, to "dynamic materiality" – an approach that argues for the anticipation of sustainability issues in companies.

The publication appeared in the Journal of Strategy and Management and was included by the WHO in the research database "Global literature on coronavirus disease" (opens in a new window), which gathers the latest international scientific findings on COVID-19.

Read online: 
Grant, John; Wunder, Thomas (2021): Strategic transformation to sustilience: learning from COVID-19. Journal of Strategy and Management: vol. 14 (3). ISSN: 1755-425X. Online at: (opens in a new window).