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Visit of the In­done­sian At­taché for Edu­ca­tion and Cul­ture at the HNU

24.06.2021, In­ter­na­tional :

The Attaché for Education and Culture in the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Ardi Marwan, visited Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) in June 2021. The reason for the visit was the deepen the relations between Indonesia and the HNU.

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences recently signed its first cooperation agreement with an Indonesian university, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in Surakarta, Java. The contact was initiated by the Attaché for Education and Culture in the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Ardi Marwan. Further cooperations with Indonesian universities are in planning.

Prof. Dr. Ardi Marwan's suggestion to cooperate with Indonesian universities has found open ears. Verena Seitz, Head of the International Office at the HNU, has lived and studied in Indonesia for several years as part of an educational and cultural exchange. This opportunity was also made possible by the Education and Culture Department of the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin. Thus, the good relations that have existed for more than 20 years could now be further expanded.

"I am particularly pleased that HNU students will soon have the opportunity to spend an exchange semester in Indonesia and to get to know the wonderful culture and nature of Indonesia while studying," said Verena Seitz.

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Prof. Dr. Ardi Marwan, Attaché for Education and Culture in the Indonesian Embassy in Berlin and Verena Seitz, Head of the International Office at the HNU