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"From Oulu to Europe: HNU Pres­id­ent Feser speaks at stake­holder sem­inar

14.06.2021, Uni­versity News :

"Together we can change the world" is the title of a new virtual seminar series at the University of Applied Sciences Oulu, HNU's partner university in Finland. Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser presented HNU as an international business school in this context.

In her role as President of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), which has a long-standing partnership with the University of Applied Sciences Oulu (Oulu AMK) in Finland, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser gave an overview of HNU's international activities and the associated goals at a stakeholder seminar at the end of May 2021. The Oulu AMK stakeholder seminar was aimed at students and corporate partners to promote intensive international exchange and highlight the benefits for companies in particular.  "Our strong international focus is especially important because Germany is in the heart of Europe and our country is home to many people from different backgrounds."

Feser spoke about HNU's goal of educating graduates to become future shapers who can start their careers equipped with international experience, problem-solving skills and the ability to act responsibly. Companies that operate worldwide in a wide variety of markets need employees who understand how the international economy works. That is why Neu-Ulm University, like Oulu AMK, attaches great importance to welcoming young people from other countries and supporting its own students in broadening their own academic and personal horizons.

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