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The HNU wel­comes 7 new ex­change stu­dents from 5 coun­tries

16.03.2021, In­ter­na­tional :

For 7 exchange students from Turkey, Spain, Hungary, South Korea and Mexico, the adventure of a semester abroad at the HNU began last week. Three student buddies make the start easier for them and support them especially during the first period of their stay. In addition, 3 double degree students from our Finnish partner university in Oulu continue to study at the HNU for their second semester.

During the orientation days organised by the International Office, the students got to know the HNU, familiarised themselves with the various platforms that are important for studying and put together their timetable - this time everything was entirely held online, as most students had to spend the first 10 days in quarantine. The completion of necessary formalities (e.g. opening a German bank account or registering their place of residence with the city of Neu-Ulm), an intercultural training session and get-to-know-you activities organised by the buddies (including a pub quiz, online drawing games and an online cooking evening with typical German dishes) rounded off the programme.
Despite the special situation, we wish all exchange students a great semester, unforgettable experiences and numerous new friendships!

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Impression from the Intercultural Training