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Winter School of the pro­ject "Health Data Ana­lyt­ics" took place di­git­ally

09.12.2020, In­ter­na­tional :

South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Cameroon, Sudan, Zambia and Germany: Participants from all these countries took part in the Digital Winter School. They tested the use of Big Data methods in health care - digitally this year.

In the Digital Winter School, the 23 participants learned about "Addressing current challenges to the health sector in times of the COVID-19 pandemic using health data analytics methods and tools" in a blended learning format. For three weeks the participants had access to videos and live zoom sessions from an international team of lecturers.

With the help of the expert input, the participants, who themselves work in hospitals, governmental health care institutions, universities and pharmaceutical companies, should be able to address a COVID-19 related problem by using Big Data methods.
In the kick-off event on 14 November 2020 the participants were given an introduction to Health Data Analytics and a short training in the use of the learning management system of the University of Western Cape.

Since the second Winter School from the DAAD-funded project "Health Data Analytics" has to be held digitally this year due to the pandemic, the project team could gain important experience to achieve the project goal, which is the development of an international online Master's programme on "Health Data Analytics".

[Translate to English:] Abschlussbild der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der digitalen Winter School 2020 (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] Abschlussbild der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer der digitalen Winter School 2020