Emre Özdemir, Mohammad Anees Raza, Abhishek Arun Savakar and Jannes-Oke Voss are studying for a Master's degree at HNU and are currently writing their theses. With their "Campus Ready" project, they want to make it easier for international students to enter and integrate into the German higher education landscape. The AI-supported platform not only simplifies the application process for international students, but also supports them during their studies with personalised study plans and practice tests. Students have the opportunity to upload all of their learning materials to the platform. An AI processes this information and uses it to create learning chapters and exercises as well as possible exam questions and mock exams, which can be practised and automatically assessed directly on the platform. The platform also enables professors and lecturers to use AI to create customised exams that are optimally tailored to their curriculum. Oral examinations can also be simulated via the platform.
Counteracting the shortage of skilled labour
The founders are also helping to combat the shortage of skilled labour with their platform. Every year, around 700,000 international students apply for a place to study in Germany. Their level of knowledge is currently assessed through time-consuming video interviews with professors, which leads to unfilled study places due to limited resources. Campus Ready offers a digital, scalable solution that replaces the 1:1 interview and enables a fair admissions process. This gives more qualified talent access to education.
Founders Space at HNU creates ideal conditions for start-ups
The "Campus Ready" project was created in the Founders Space at HNU, which offers start-up teams an ideal environment and community to develop ideas and bring them to market maturity. "HNU not only provides students with the necessary expertise in its courses, but also provides the appropriate infrastructure, such as fully equipped offices, in the form of the Founders Space. The teams are advised and continuously coached by experts," explains Martin Schwarz, Deputy Head of Founders Space.