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Laura from Spain

08.05.2024, In­ter­na­tional Ex­change Stu­dents :

Exchange student Laura from the capital of Spain, Madrid, spent her fourth semester at HNU. Find out more about her experiences here.

4th semester
Madrid, Spain
Sept. 2023 to Febr. 2024

What was your main motivation to study at the HNU?

My main motivation was the variety of opportunities that Germany could offer me, such as the university and the different industries and companies all over the country.

I have learnt a lot about myself and have grown due to the different circumstances.


What were your biggest concerns?

My greatest concern was not being able to form good friendships, but I must say that I was fortunate enough to find such an amazing group of people with whom I am still in contact.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

One hundred per cent! It's a great experience that you shouldn't miss out on if you feel it's a good opportunity for you. 

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

I have learnt a lot about myself and have grown due to the different circumstances. I have also confirmed to myself that I can live abroad without any problems.

Were your expectations met?

I tried not to have high expectations because it's always better to be surprised. Of course, I had planned to travel a lot through Europe, and fortunately, I was able to accomplish that.

Fun Fact

There is no doubt that there were some culture shocks, like the emptiness of the streets at 6pm, where the day in Madrid starts. I missed the nocturnal activities and the lifestyle in Spain.

Laura visited many beautiful places, such as Oberstdorf, where she was able to enjoy breathtaking landscapes.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experiences at the HNU?

I would like to highlight the many walks along the Danube and the tradition of going to Murphy's Karaoke every Thursday, as well as the travelling through Germany.

Im­pres­sions from Ger­many