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App de­vel­op­ment and app design at Girls' and Boys' Day at HNU

15.05.2024, Study :

Practical orientation, future topics and plenty of room for creative development: For Girls' and Boys' Day, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) organized workshops on the topics of app development and app design for pupils.

Girls' Day: schoolgirls develop their own smartphone app

Under the motto "Develop my own smartphone app - unleash my creativity", seven girls aged between 13 and 15 got a taste of computer science under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Dany Meyer and Prof. Dr. Erica Weilemann and programmed their own app. No previous knowledge was required.

Boys' Day: pupils design a health app

In the "App Design" workshop with Professor Dr. Alexander Würfel, 10 boys aged 14 and over dedicated themselves to designing a fitness app. They explored the question of how an app should be structured in order to provide motivation and an incentive to lead a healthier and more active life. No previous knowledge was required for Boys'Day.

Summer school during the summer vacation

There will also be another program during the summer vacations: From July 29 to August 2, 2024, the second Summer School will take place under the title "Digital Heroines: Shaping a sustainable future with code". Here, schoolgirls from the ninth grade onwards can program an app for intelligent plant irrigation.


Mag­dalena Frem­dling

Contact person for the Girls'Day and Boys'Day campaigns

Scientific Officer for Gender Equality

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1411

Location: Main Building A, A.2.37

To profile of Magdalena Fremdling

Magdalena Fremdling

About us

HNU Representative for Gender Equality in Science and Art
Digital change requires diversity and creativity from everyone in studies and work. That is why it is a central concern of Prof Dr Claudia Kocian-Dir, Commissioner for Gender Equality in Science and the Arts, and her team to promote the digital participation of women.

We believe that enthusiasm for digital change can be awakened through role models. That's why we show accessible role models, support personal and professional development and create spaces for constructive dialogue. Our activities are aimed at all academic target groups: from female students, lecturers and research assistants to female professors. Workshops for schoolgirls complement our programme in order to create the basis for equal opportunities in digital participation at an early stage.