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HNU In­sti­tute for En­tre­pren­eur­ship, In­nov­a­tion and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity strengthens in­ter­na­tional co­oper­a­tion in Chile

15.04.2024, In­ter­na­tional :

As part of the International Startup League (ISUL) project at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), representatives visited two partner universities in Chile to further strengthen international cooperation. The visits to the Universidad Finis Terrae (UFT) and the Universidad de Chile (UDC) focused on student exchanges and the initiation of joint projects.

HNU professors and representatives of the ISUL project Prof. Dr. Jens Uwe Pätzmann and Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang as well as research assistant Sarah Leible visited two of the project's 14 partner universities from March 25 to 28.

Visiting the Universidad de Chile

During the two-day visit to the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universidad de Chile (FEN), the HNU team not only presented the ISUL project, but also held fruitful discussions, networking sessions and opportunities to exchange knowledge. In addition, Sarah Leible showed Chilean students the opportunities for a DAAD-funded internship at the HNU Founders Space.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang gave an insightful presentation on "Teaching Methods for Design Thinking", in which he shared his extensive experience of working with local companies and student groups. Prof. Dr. Jens Uwe Pätzmann also provided valuable input on the successful implementation of hackathons with students. The subsequent discussion with the FEN professors underlined the value of interdisciplinary exchange and innovative pedagogical approaches.

Visit to the Universidad Finis Terrae

During the visit to the Universidad Finis Terrae, the HNU team presented a wealth of opportunities offered by the International Startup League at various levels: The main focus was on reciprocal stays at the partner institution for internships, research and teaching, which are financially supported by scholarship money for travel and stay from the DAAD. In addition, the development of a joint Master's degree program was discussed with Academic Vice President Juan Eduardo Vargas Duhart.

About the project
The International Startup League consists of 14 partner universities from nine different countries. The project is a third-party funded project of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The focus is on three project goals: consolidating international cooperation, expanding digital, international and practice-oriented study programs and promoting networking between teaching, administration and research. The project is funded by the DAAD until the end of 2025.