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Strong wo­men, strong fu­ture: launch of EX­IST Wo­men in the HNU Founders Space

08.03.2024, Trans­fer :

On March 1, the kick-off event "Female Meetup" of the EXIST Women start-up program funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BmWK) took place at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). Ten women from the StartupSÜD network universities who are interested in founding a company met in the university's Founders Space to get to know each other for the first time.

Exchange, networking and mutual inspiration: the event provided a platform for the scholarship holders to get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. The program also included a keynote speech by Anouk Harde, co-founder of "onesome", an app for personal development. She told her start-up story, addressed challenges and gave valuable tips.

The program is part of the German government's start-up strategy and aims to increase the proportion of women among start-ups. The HNU Founders Space is actively committed to raising awareness even further and providing comprehensive support services, as the proportion of female founders in 2023 was only 20.7 percent according to the German Startup Monitor (DSM) of the Startup Association.

Participants in the program receive advice and support over a period of twelve months with mentors from the business sector and financial support. The start-up ideas cover a wide range of topics - from education to health - and are characterized by an extraordinary diversity in the subject areas. Particularly noteworthy is the participation of female students and alumnae, who stand out with innovative concepts from the fields of gamification, business psychology and health management.

"We are proud to support these women on the path to further developing their ideas," emphasized Professor Dr. Thomas Bayer. "Thanks to funding amounting to over 80,000 euros, the women receiving support can not only take advantage of qualified offers on site, but also benefit from regular networking meetings as well as monthly grants and material allowances."
Carina Volk-Schor, operational project manager, agreed and said: "The EXIST Women program plays a central role in motivating women to found companies and increase their share in the start-up world. I am delighted that we were able to create a lively exchange and mutual inspiration between female founders and mentors at the kick-off event."

Group photo in the HNU Innovation Space (opens enlarged image)