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New is­sue of the magazine breit­seite: Punkt Kreis Ku­gel

04.03.2024, Study :

It's that time again: HNU students have creatively produced a new issue of breitseite. The motto of the 15th issue is "Dot Circle Sphere": What content can be associated with the dot as the smallest graphic unit in words, images and videos? Under the direction of Prof Andrea Kimpflinger, around 60 creative minds worked on this question in the 100-page magazine.

The magazine breitseite is produced once a year by students on the Information Management and Corporate Communication (IMUK) degree programme in the Communication Project subject under the direction of Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger and co-lecturer Sabine Geller. Working in teams, the students take on all the tasks themselves: from conception, text and design to publicising on social media and the website, a video shoot and finding sponsors - all within 15 weeks.

The 15th issue of this student magazine now deals with the dot in all its facets: divided into four focal points, the students approach this form from philosophical, historical and aesthetic perspectives, among others. The result is a well-rounded publication in the truest sense of the word, offering a visually and content-wise exciting reading experience.

The digital edition of breitseite can be found at

Contact person​​​​​​​
Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger

Cover picture of the current issue of breitseite (opens enlarged image)
Cover picture of the current issue of breitseite