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Space Ses­sion in the HNU Founders Space: live mu­sic and a look be­hind the scenes

12.03.2024, Trans­fer :

The "Space Session" event series enters its tenth round on March 21 in the Founders Space at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). This time, everything revolves around the topic of music under the title "Backstage Stories". Guests include Maren Donners, sound engineer at Popbastion Ulm, and musician and producer Matthis Katzmaier.

How do you produce your own song or an entire album? What do young artists need to get started in the music scene? How do you manage to stay creative? Spotify or vinyl? And how do you get gigs? Maren Donners and Matthis Katzmeier answer these and many other questions.

Whether on stage with one of his current bands Rainbowhead or as a producer in his own studio - Mathis Katzmeier lives and breathes music. He also shares the experience he has gained as a sound and video technician in the theater and at live events in workshops. At the Space Session, he not only shares his insights, but also presents his music live.

Maren Donners from Popbastion Ulm has been promoting the rock and pop music scene in Ulm and the region since 2002, making a decisive contribution to the city's cultural scene. Popbastion supports young talents like Mathis by providing advice, training and networking. At the Space Session, Maren Donner will give an insight into the work on the other side of the stage - supporting, mentoring and networking young artists.

Tickets (opens in a new window)are limited. Participation is free of charge.

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