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Nick in Por­tugal

03.01.2024, Study Abroad :

Nick is studying abroad at one of our two partner universities in Lisbon. Find out how he is getting on here.

Study Programme
8th Semester
Host Institution
European Univ. of Lisbon (IADE)
Lisbon, Portugal
September 2023 to January 2024

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

Getting to know foreign cultures and doing something has been a dream of mine for an eternity. Moreover, it looks good on the CV. 😊

Enjoy every moment; it passes more quickly than you think!


What were your biggest concerns?

I had very big worries, mainly financial concerns. But if you manage your finances correctly, then it's absolutely no problem. There are many financing options available. Additionally, it was also somewhat difficult at the beginning to be separated from family, friendships and the partner.

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Oh yes, for all of those who want to break out of their comfort zone or simply escape the cold winter in Germany. Here you can even go into the sea in December if you're brave enough.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

That Europe has an incredible number of cultures that come together in an Erasmus semester abroad. Portuguese people are not so different from us Germans.

Fun Fact

Lisbon is built on seven hills. Some are quite steep, but small trams take everyone all over the city or you can take the metro or bus. A ferry connects both sides of the Tagus (Rio Tejo), and you can get everywhere easily.

Were your expectations met?

Yes, I wanted to learn about the culture and the language and establish friendships with people from other cultures and countries. I have succeeded in that.

View from one of the lecture rooms at IADE

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

Enjoy every moment; it passes more quickly than you think!

Im­pres­sions of Por­tugal