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Events in the HNU Founders Space show the strength of the start-up scene

26.01.2024, Trans­fer :

The Founders Space at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) focused on the potential and diversity of the regional start-up scene with two events on January 17. Founders were first given the opportunity to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different financing methods with investors. Afterwards, a winter barbecue provided space for informal networking.

In addition, the two events - "Start-ups meet Investors: Bootstrapping vs. Investment" and "Founders BBQ meets Founders Space" - exemplified the success of over two years of intensive start-up work in this environment.  

Bootstrapping or investment? Exchange with investors offered decision-making support

The event "Start-ups meet Investors: Bootstrapping vs. Investment" gave selected start-ups the opportunity to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bootstrapping versus external investment with investors. Bootstrapping - i.e. financing a start-up on its own without external investors - is a challenge that requires a deep understanding of the market and a flexible business strategy. "The choice between bootstrapping and investment is complex and depends on the product, market and timing," explains Martin Schwarz, coach and deputy head of Founders Space. "There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a process of continuous evaluation and adaptation."
Against this backdrop, the teams had the opportunity to present their ideas, ask questions and get to know the perspectives of the other side in a direct exchange.

Dr. Tobias Engelhardt, founder of EKK & Co., emphasized the positive development of the HNU Founders Space: "I am pleased to see that the quality of the teams and business models is getting better and better. Many start-ups have

Symbolic image of founders barbecuing outside (opens enlarged image)