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HNU Man­age­ment Forum: Dr. An­dreas Lugert talks about the fu­ture of in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion

20.09.2023, Press Release :

Practice meets campus: Since many years, Neu-Ulm University (HNU) has regularly organised the Management Forum, in which experts from the field share their experiences. On 11 October, Dr Andreas Lugert, Global Head of Operational Excellence at Liebherr, will be a guest at the university. The expert will speak on the topic of "Does industrial production still make sense in Germany?" from 5 pm. Interested parties can register for the event until 4 October.

High wage, construction and energy costs as well as difficult legal and regulatory framework conditions make Germany appear increasingly unattractive as a production location. Various companies are therefore relocating or dramatically reducing the depth of their value creation in this country. Using the example of the global player Liebherr, Dr. Andreas Luger presents current challenges from practice, but at the same time also shows arguments that will continue to justify investments in Germany as a production location in the future.

Interested parties can register for the event until 4 October via It will take place in Building A, Lecture Hall A (A.0.10) at Neu-Ulm University, Wileystraße 1.

About the HNU Management Forum
HNU regularly invites business leaders to the university to report on current, practical topics from the various areas of business management and share their valuable wealth of experience at the HNU Management Forum.

Portrait photo of Andreas Lugert (opens enlarged image)
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