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On­line course "Di­gital­ex­pert:in" of the IDT: suc­cess­ful first de­grees

28.06.2023, Trans­fer :

The online course "Digitalexpert:in in five modules" offered by the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) prepares specialists and managers for the digital transformation. 140 people have taken advantage of this new offer, and some have already successfully completed the flexibly timed course. On June 21, 2023, the certificates were handed over to the first course graduates at a handover ceremony.

After the welcome by Prof. Manfred Plechaty, the guests were given a guided tour of the Information Management Automotive lab at HNU, where they had the opportunity to experience the practical applications of their learned knowledge. After the official part of the event, the participants took the opportunity to exchange ideas among themselves and with those responsible for the online course.

The online course "Digitalexpert:in in five modules" aims to prepare specialists and managers in small and medium-sized enterprises for the challenges of digital transformation. Participants had the opportunity to further develop their skills in the area of digitization, design digital business models and identify the potential of disruptive technologies. This enables them to become in-house digital experts who can help shape the future of the company through their personal development and the development of specific skills and methods.

The course was developed and implemented together with the project team by HNU professors Manfred Plechaty, Dr. Daniel Schallmo and Dr. Klaus Lang. It offers cutting-edge knowledge in the subject area of digitization and individual processing of the content. "Digitalexpert:in in five modules" exemplifies the IDT's commitment to advancing knowledge transfer to companies in the Bavarian-Swabian region and supporting their digital transformation.

A continuation of the online course is being planned.

The course is part of the "REACT-EU" funding action: Professional qualification - knowledge transfer from universities to companies" of the European Social Fund (ESF) and could therefore be offered free of charge. For more information on the funding line, please visit:

About the IDT

The Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) is a research unit of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) headed by Professors Dr. Jens Kolb, Dr. Klaus Lang, Dr. Manfred Plechaty and Dr. Daniel Schallmo. The IDT deals with topics related to the digital transformation and sustainability of medium-sized companies. The practice-oriented research projects and studies produce findings that are made available to the scientific community and practitioners. Companies and other cooperation partners gain access to the latest knowledge, applicable methods and benchmarks on the topic of digital transformation.

Group photo in the IMA laboratory (opens enlarged image)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Lang (left), Melanie Jakubowski (second from left) and Prof. Dr. Manfred Plechaty (right) with the first graduates.