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New at HNU: Prof. Dr. Bar­bara Dannen­mann

30.05.2023, Faces :

Newly appointed professor Dr. Barbara Dannenmann is a true HNU product: The economist worked for several years as a research assistant at the university, where she helped develop the award-winning "Beat the Bot" negotiation training program, among other things. This semester, she returned - now in a new role, namely as a professor of business administration (BWL) with a focus on sales.

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Prof. Dr. Bar­bara Dannen­mann

Can you tell us something about your ca­reer so far?

It may sound a bit like something out of a reality show, but in my early 20s I was first found collecting bamboo in the Laotian jungle for research purposes and also in Japanese rice fields, where I was studying the calorific value of rice straw. This happened in the context of my studies at the University of Hohenheim. By chance, after my successful graduation, I learned about a new concept of a non-consecutive master's degree, the "Master of Advanced Management" at HNU. The concept convinced me so much that I decided to deepen my classical business knowledge. Already during my studies, I realized that this decision was absolutely right for me. After graduating, I immediately started working in business in the inernational sustainability environment for a large company. I was then drawn to the international sales environment of a medium-sized Swiss company. By combining my knowledge from my studies with practical experience, I quickly took on management responsibilities. After more than seven years in practice, I returned to university five years ago to work on a sales-oriented research project. For the first time, we developed an automated negotiation training in which we combined virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI). I also successfully completed my doctorate on this topic at the University of Potsdam. So if you want to "haggle" with a robot in the future, you know which lecture you should come to ;-)

What are your teach­ing and re­search in­terests and what are you par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested in at the mo­ment?

My teaching focus is on sales. I am doing research on negotiation in combination with VR and AI. I dream of developing a configurator in which we can individually design negotiation situations using natural language. This will allow us to move to a new level in negotiation research on the one hand and train students even better for the professional world on the other.

Per­sonal De­tails

My field of expertise in three words:
... sell, sell, sell! 
HNU is:
... a modern university with the best starting conditions for later careers!
This is the sentence I like to hear most from my students:
Today I have learned something again!
My current reading:
"Futureskills: 30 Future-Critical Skills and How We Can Learn Them" by Peter Spiegel et al. 
My next project/publication:
Developing negotiations with bots using natural language recognition and processing.
First thing I do at my desk in the morning:
Take a deep breath and then "On your mark, get set, go...!"
What's always on your desk?
At least one digital device


Why did you be­come a pro­fessor? 

Even as a child, I enjoyed getting to the bottom of things and sharing and developing my knowledge with others. My love of sales can certainly be traced back to the same stage in life. From an early age, I was involved with incoming orders. My father was already active in the sales environment. So the order situation at the dinner table was a regular topic of conversation. Now I sit here and share my knowledge with young minds that are just as curious as I was back then.

What can stu­dents learn in your events? 

Students receive a "starter kit" from me for their entry into sales: Based on sales processes, they learn everything you need to know about sales in a basic lecture. In addition, at the Competence Center for Growth and Sales Strategies, we do a lot of work in the form of informal learning: through training and seminar structures, students gain practical experience in sales and marketing. In addition, students solve a practical problem from a company in the region as standard. New technologies also play a role in the learning process: In a negotiation training course, students even negotiate with an AI in a VR environment. As a result, the students are ideally equipped for their career entry in sales.

How were your first months at HNU?

Varied and intense :-)

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] Was hat Sie gerade nach Neu-Ulm an die HNU ge­führt? Was ge­fällt Ihnen an der Re­gion?

As a native Swabian from the region, I am naturally rooted here. Nevertheless, during my studies and my years in practice, I was drawn out into the world. But my heart is attached to the Ländle and the people. That's why I'm here!

What do you like to do most when you are not teach­ing and/or re­search­ing at HNU?

Discovering the world with my children.

Either | Or 

Sushi or spaetzle? First sushi, then spaetzle ;-)

Camping or Hotel? Hotel 

Book or movie? Book 

Allgäu Alps or Lake Constance?  Allgäu 

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Bicycle or car? Horse 

Sofa or armchair? Armchair

Notebook or notebook app? Notebook app 

Forest walk or city trip? Forest walk