The REACT-EU funding action "Vocational Qualification - Knowledge Transfer from Universities to Companies" serves to develop further education and training measures at universities that support small and medium-sized enterprises in a future-oriented way in coping with the Corona pandemic. The companies thus profit directly from the enormous innovation potential of the universities, explained Science Minister Sibler.
The HNU will receive around 312,000 euros in funding from this funding campaign for the project "Digital Competencies@Bavarian Swabia", which serves to introduce or expand a digital and "green" corporate infrastructure by imparting appropriate knowledge to the participants. The training courses are also intended to enable the employees of small and medium-sized enterprises to recognise the potential of disruptive technologies - such as artificial intelligence - and to apply them in business practice.
"The active exchange with the regional economy has a long tradition at HNU. Sustainable solutions to complex challenges are best developed by building bridges between scientific knowledge and practical application," says HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "With the REACT-EU funding, we will now push knowledge transfer in the field of digital transformation even further."
The REACT-EU (Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe) funding line embedded in the European Social Fund (ESF) programme aims to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the corona pandemic in Europe and contribute to a green, digital and stable recovery of the economy.
Within the framework of funding action 19 - "Vocational qualification - knowledge transfer from universities to companies" - the innovation potential of universities is to be made accessible predominantly to small and medium-sized enterprises and their employees, thus increasing the future viability of companies.