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Smart Mo­bil­ity and Lo­gist­ics be­comes part of the HRK re­search map

22.12.2020, Press Release :

The German Universities Rectors' Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, short: HRK) has confirmed a second research focus for Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU): Smart Mobility and Logistics. The aim is, among other things, to research technologies, processes and business models in transport as well as their economic and ecological effects.

The research focus (FSP) Smart Mobility and Logistics applied for by Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has been confirmed by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK). This means that HNU now has a second HRK research focus alongside the FSP Digitalisation of Healthcare, which was introduced in 2018. In its research map, the HRK publishes the focal points of research at universities and colleges, which they must continuously demonstrate over several years through measurable results, e.g. number of publications and third-party funding acquired.

Solving major societal challenges

The new HNU research focus Smart Mobility and Logistics is dedicated to the digitalisation of the transport of people (mobility) and goods (logistics). The team of professors and research assistants deals with changes in supply and demand as well as technologies, structures, processes and business models in transport, including the resulting economic, ecological and social opportunities and risks. HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser congratulated the participating professors Stefan Distel, Tobias Engel, Marlon Füller, Heiko Gewald, Michael Grabinski, Oliver Kunze and Manfred Plechaty: "I am very happy about this wonderful news and proud of the entire team. With this second focus, HNU is concretising its specified research profile and thus contributing to solving major societal challenges."

System relevance of logistics

"The intelligent use and control of individual transport and the optimisation of the ever-increasing transport of goods are among the great challenges of our time. New technology and changes in user awareness are creating completely new possibilities here," says research professor Dr. Heiko Gewald, summarising the objectives of the new FSP. Professor Oliver Kunze, spokesperson of the Institute of Logistics, Risk & Resource Management joins in: "Many thanks to everyone who has worked on the creation of this new research focus. This is a good and important step for researchers at HNU who deal with the question of how people and goods move today and in the future. This includes, in particular, topics such as crowd logistics, shared mobility or even 3D printing." "A great success," adds Professor Tobias Engel with regard to the current world situation. In the wake of the Corona pandemic, he says, the systemic relevance of logistics becomes apparent when talking about the supply of society, for example.

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