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Ment­or­ing pro­gramme of pro­THU also open for HNU stu­dents

04.11.2020, Study :

In the mentoring programme of the Alumni and Sponsorship Association proTHU of the Technische Hochschule Ulm, an experienced manager (mentor) supports a student (mentee) over a period of two semesters. HNU students can also apply to participate until 15th of November.

The advantages of the mentoring programme are manifold: Mentees gain insights into the mentor's activities and can benefit from his or her networks. In addition, the mentor provides support in the search for internships or the first job after graduation. Mentees also receive advice on the decision to continue with a Master's programme after their Bachelor's degree.

Apply by 15th of November!

The prerequisite for participation in the mentoring programme is a completed basic study period.

Further information and registration: (external link)