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Open­ing of the tech­no­logy trans­fer centre Big Data Mar­ket­ing in Gün­zburg

19.11.2020, Press Release :

The new technology transfer centre (TTZ) in Günzburg supports regional companies in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. In addition, the institute of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm (HNU) serves as a platform for consulting, exchange of ideas and knowledge transfer. The Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art is funding the TTZ with 4.3 million euros until the end of 2023, the city of Günzburg is assuming the rental and operating costs at the headquarters of the VR-Bank Donau-Mindel, and the district of Günzburg will also provide financial support for the TTZ over the next five years.

In Günzburg, the Technology Transfer Centre (TTZ) for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing has started its work. The first employees were welcomed by Lord Mayor Gerhard Jauernig and District Administrator Dr. Hans Reichhart on Thursday at Dillinger Straße 21 in Günzburg. Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, President of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm (HNU), also attended the opening of the institute. The aim of the TTZ is to bring knowledge from research into companies.

"Artificial intelligence is a key technology of the 21st century," said the scientific director of the centre, HNU Professor Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt, at the opening of the TTZ. "We want to contribute to the development of AI-based applications, products and business models together with the companies in the region".

TTZ is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art with 4.3 million euros until the end of 2023. The City of Günzburg will take over the rental and operating costs of the premises at the headquarters of VR-Bank Donau-Mindel. The district will also support the TTZ over the next five years and provide money for the accommodation of the technology transfer centre. The town and district are pleased that TTZ is now on its way. The district and its Regional Marketing GbR had worked together with the HNU and the city of Günzburg to establish a TTZ in the district. This will ensure that small and medium-sized companies are fit for the digital future.

"Today is a good day for our city, for our district, for our economic region. The cooperation between the university and companies here in Günzburg and the entire region strengthens the city as a location for education and business," rejoiced Lord Mayor Gerhard Jauernig and District Administrator Dr. Hans Reichhart during their visit. TTZ is intended as a platform for consulting, idea exchange and knowledge transfer and carries out digital marketing projects together with companies. The target group are the small and medium-sized commercial enterprises located in the region that do not yet have the necessary expertise in the field of digital marketing. The district with the Regionalmarketing Günzburg GbR supports the settlement of TTZ, which is also welcomed by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

The first four employees have already started work in Günzburg. Further positions, mainly a research professorship, will be filled in the course of next year. The TTZ will offer a wide range of information events, online seminars, industry meetings, consulting appointments, an AI consultation hour and further training for company employees.

"In the triad of teaching, research and transfer, HNU anchors application-oriented research with methods and procedures to support decision-making and recommend action. Artificial intelligence offers many new possibilities here. In addition to the economic application, we will also address the social debate on data use and data protection," says the President of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Prof. Dr. Uta Feser.

Further information on the TTZ can be found on the website:


Contact TTZ Günzburg:

Andreas Bayer

Commercial manager


[Translate to English:] (v. l. n. r.) Dr. Hans Reichhart, Landrat des Landkreises Günzburg, Prof. Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt, Stefan Fross, Vorstand der VR-Bank Donau-Mindel, Prof. Dr. Uta Feser, Präsidentin der Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Andreas Bayer, Projektkoordination und kaufmännische Leitung im TTZ Günzburg und Gerhard Jauernig, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Günzburg, eröffneten - mit Abstand, aber gemeinsam - das Technologiezentrum Günzburg. Quelle: Julia Ehrlich/ Stadt Günzburg (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] (v. l. n. r.) Dr. Hans Reichhart, Landrat des Landkreises Günzburg, Prof. Dr. Wilke Hammerschmidt, Stefan Fross, Vorstand der VR-Bank Donau-Mindel, Prof. Dr. Uta Feser, Präsidentin der Hochschule Neu-Ulm, Andreas Bayer, Projektkoordination und kaufmännische Leitung im TTZ Günzburg und Gerhard Jauernig, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Günzburg, eröffneten - mit Abstand, aber gemeinsam - das Technologietransferzentrum Günzburg. Quelle: Julia Ehrlich/ Stadt Günzburg