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500 guests at­ten­ded the vir­tual IT con­gress Neu-Ulm | Ulm 2020

13.11.2020, Press Release :

Under the motto "IT 2020 - How smart are we?", the eleventh IT Congress was held at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) on 12 November 2020 - this year online. Around 500 company representatives, university staff and students took part in the lectures and discussions on IT trends of the present and future. The IT Congress was organised by the HNU, the Technische Hochschule Ulm (THU) and the Stadtentwicklungsverband Ulm/Neu-Ulm in cooperation with regional companies.

In order to be able to offer the established IT exchange forum in Corona times as well, the organisation team had designed a virtual format which, in addition to live presentations, offered an individually compiled conference programme for all participants as well as the opportunity for interactive exchange.

HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Neu-Ulm's Lord Mayor Katrin Albsteiger and initiator Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune welcomed the congress participants from the HNU media studios on Thursday morning and discussed the relevance of digitisation for the dual city Neu-Ulm/Ulm and the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences under the motto "How smart are we?

The keynote was held by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher from the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing. Under the title "Digitisation, Sustainability, Corona - navigating in difficult terrain", he spoke about the corona crisis in economic and economic-political contexts. The lecture can be seen in full length on the Vimeo channel of the IT Congress and on the YouTube channel of the HNU.

IT trends of the present and future: Between Machine Learning and New Work

Around 40 speakers from science and business presented in online sessions on topics such as "New Work - Modern Workplace", "Digital Transformation 4.0" or "Machine Learning, Data Science and Software Development". Among the most frequented lectures were "Autonomous supply chains in times of crisis" (LIS-Solutions GmbH) and "Use of artificial intelligence for dummies" (artiso solutions GmbH).

"Distributed yet connected" was not only the title of a lecture on the "Modern Workplace", but also the motto of the congress encounters. During the breaks, participants had the opportunity to network at virtual thematic tables, to exchange information on IT topics in groups or to have one-on-one discussions.

"The IT Congress in virtual mode was a premiere for all of us and a technical as well as organisational challenge," says co-organiser Michael Leisner from HNU. "We are all the more pleased that this year's online congress was so well received and that the professional exchange was in no way inferior to the discussions at previous attendance events".

IT Congress Neu-Ulm | Ulm

With the aim of presenting applicable IT knowledge and implementable solutions, the symposium is aimed at company representatives from all sectors, especially small and medium-sized companies as well as university members and students. Since 2010, the IT Congress has been held annually in November and now regularly attracts over 400 participants to Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. The event is organised by the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, the Technical University of Ulm and the Urban Development Association Ulm/Neu-Ulm in cooperation with regional companies.


[Translate to English:] Amrei Kirmaier, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, und Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune moderierten live aus dem Automotive Labor der HNU. (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] Amrei Kirmaier, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, und Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune moderierten live aus dem Automotive Labor der HNU.