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Moodle group for stu­dents with child(ren)

16.10.2020, Study :

For students with children, a Moodle group was set up for the winter semester 2020/21. The aim of the HNU is to better reach and support students who are bringing up children parallel to their studies. We therefore recommend that all students with child(ren) enrol directly in the Moodle group.

Registration is worthwhile for students for several reasons: On the one hand, they can find out on a daily basis whether special study or examination requirements might apply to them as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, they can share all their questions and suggestions for improvement regarding studying with a child directly with the Women's Representative, the head of the Counselling and Information Centre for Parents, Personal and Social Affairs (BIZEPS), and the head of the Examination Office. Last but not least, the (voluntary) information provided by students on their family situation is directly incorporated into the further development of the HNU towards an even more family-friendly university.

We therefore recommend that all students with child(ren) enrol directly in the Moodle group:

Link to the Moodle group for students with child(ren) (opens in a new window)

Young mother with child and laptop (opens enlarged image)