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Pres­ence events in the Centre for Post­gradu­ate and Pro­fes­sional Stud­ies in small groups again pos­sible

01.07.2020, Post­gradu­ate :

Last weekend the time had come:
two courses, each with 18 participants, were again trained on site at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

With small steps, the HNU Centre for Postgraduate and Professional Studies is returning to normality. Naturally with the necessary distance and in compliance with the prescribed hygiene measures.

It started on Friday evening, at 4 pm, with the examination "Human Resources Management and HR Management" for the students of the second semester of the MBA courses General Management and Digital Leadership and IT Management.

On Saturday, starting at 8 a.m., the lecture "Taxation" was held by Christoph Hurler, for the students of the first semester of the MBA programs General Management and Digital Leadership and IT Management.

In addition, Professor Dr. Oliver Grieble taught "Agile Innovation Methods with Scrum", in the MBA Digital Leadership and IT-Management, for the students of the second and third semester; also with certificate students.

The students and staff of the Center for Postgraduate and Professional Studies clearly enjoyed the reunion, the personal exchange and simply being together with fellow students and lecturers.

The Center for Postgraduate and Professional Studies at HNU stands for academic, practice-oriented and personal continuing education. Compact attendance times are ideally combined with digital teaching methods and offer the greatest possible flexibility in learning while working. Teaching takes place in small courses with a familiar atmosphere.

In addition to knowledge of business administration and corporate management, key qualifications and leadership skills are acquired. Targeted preparation for management positions is also made possible through social interaction and joint reflection, for example through presentations and in discussion groups during classroom sessions.

This semester was previously a completely different semester, as there were only digital events in the Center for Postgraduate and Professional Studies at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Now we are looking forward to the next attendance events already this week! This time with the participants of the MBA program Leadership and Management in Health Care.

Read more about the MBA program General Management

Read more about the MBA program Digital Leadership and IT Management

Read more about the MBA program Leadership and Management in Healthcare



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