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Qual­i­fy­ing for the pro­fes­sions of the fu­ture in nurs­ing and health with fur­ther train­ing

06.05.2020, Post­gradu­ate :

The healthcare system of tomorrow will be different. New, future-oriented approaches have to be taken, particularly in training and further training for nursing and health care professions. With the aim of recruiting and academicising new personnel, strengthening skills and qualifying specialists and managers for future requirements.

During his recent visit to the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, the Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler informed himself about "Digital Studying at HNU in Corona Times" and also spoke with Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, President of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, about the future of nursing care.

 "In view of the increasing social importance of nursing and health care professions, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences feels a responsibility to offer demand-oriented courses of study in the field of health management and thus increase the attractiveness of the nursing profession. With their skills, graduates can make a long-term contribution to providing better care," the President pointed out.

Professor Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, strategic head of further education and head of the further education courses in the health care sector, was also involved in the discussions: B.A. Management for Health and Nursing Professions and MBA Leadership and Management in Health Care.

Both further education courses prepare students for leadership and management tasks in the health care sector. In addition to business management expertise, the personalities of the students are also promoted and leadership and social skills are taught.

Up-to-date teaching methods and compact attendance times combined with digital teaching modules offer participants the greatest possible learning flexibility. Presence-based courses are currently being replaced by video courses, for example via ZOOM or online modules.

More information about the continuing education courses: 

B.A. Management für Gesundheits- und Pflegeberufe

MBA Führung und Management im Gesundheitswesen

For the MBA Leadership and Management in Health Care starting in winter semester 2020/ 2021, the applicant portal has been open since May 02, 2020. The B.A. Management for Healthcare and Nursing Professions starts again in the summer semester 2021.

If you have any questions about the application procedure, please contact our service team at the Centre for Continuing Education: by telephone +49 731-9762-2525 or by e-mail

Read the whole press release about the visit of Minister of Science Bernd Sibler at HNU.

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