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Brows­ing Books, Writ­ing Sci­ence

14.05.2020, Dia­logues :

Reading and writing are cultural techniques that have been subject to constant change not only since digitalization. Within HNU, we went on a little track search and asked our professors and research assistants about their writing and reading rituals, their own publications and their current (not only professional) reading. On top of that we were allowed to get a glimpse into their private bookshelves.

A glance at the book­shelves of ... 

Teresa Moll 

Research Assistant / Departement of Health Management


  • just finished: "Systemische Intervention in der Mitarbeiterführung" (Peter Steinkellner)
  • current reading: "Organisation und Management"  (Dirk Baecker)
  • and afterwards? "Organisation und System" (Dirk Baecker)

Writ­ing Rituals

  1. Prof. Dr. Jens U. Pätzmann 

    I actually write in my office at the university. Rituals? Coffee, writing, break, coffee, writing, break, coffee ...

  2. Jens Boscheinen 

    Preferably in the library, with earplugs and all distractions hidden.

  3. Prof. Dr. Wal­ter Swoboda 

    At my desk, alone and often at night. Sometimes also on the train. Always with my Macbook and Papyrus author.

  • 4Teresa Moll 

    At my desk at home. There I have a lot of peace and quiet and space as well as all my books and notes within easy reach. Above my desk there is a roof window, so the light falls in very well. I prefer to have a cup of coffee next to me, and often our dog Henry lies next to me.

  • 5Prof. Dr. Phil­ipp Brune 

    Preferably when travelling by train or in a hotel room.

Vernet­zung als Real­is­ier­ungsstrategie für be­trieb­liche Ge­sund­heit in der Re­gion Ulm/Neu-Ulm

Teresa Moll 


"In this publication, I have tried for the first time to look at networks in the context of workplace health and health promotion from a systems theory perspective. In doing so, I have begun to understand the complexity (in terms of social and communication theory) that lies behind them. And it is this complexity that makes it all the more exciting and challenging for me“

Moll, Teresa (2019): Vernetzung als Realisierungsstrategie für betriebliche Gesundheit in der Region Ulm/Neu-Ulm. In: Zeitschrift für Führung und Personalmanagement in der Gesundheitswirtschaft (opens in a new window) (ZFPG), 5 (1), 19-28. 

Cor­por­ate So­cial Re­spons­ib­il­ity in der In­noSÜD-Re­gion – Eine Be­st­and­sauf­nahme

Jens Boscheinen 


"In the summer of 2020, Springer Verlag will also publish an article on this subject. The publications are intended to build a bridge between science, business and civil society – representing the Third Mission of HNU“

Boscheinen, Jens; Fleissner, Thomas; Hammerschmidt, Wilke; Kimpflinger, Andrea; Kormann, Julia (2019): Corporate Social Responsibility in der InnoSüd-Region - eine Bestandsaufnahme. Working Paper, Nr. 40, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Neu-Ulm.

Cus­tomer In­sights mit Ar­che­typen – Durch ar­chetypis­che Meta­phern Ziel­grup­pen besser definieren und ver­stehen

Prof. Dr. Jens U. Pätzmann


„Interesting for all those who want to get more out of their market research data. Good insights are deep insights from the target group perspective and are referred to as the new consumer gold"

Pätzmann, Jens U.; Adamczyk, Yvonne (2020): Customer Insights mit Archetypen. Wie Sie mit archetypischen Metaphern Zielgruppen besser definieren und verstehen können. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.

An Open Source Ap­proach for Mod­ern­iz­ing Mes­sage-Pro­cessing and Trans­ac­tional CO­BOL Ap­plic­a­tions by In­teg­ra­tion in Java EE Ap­plic­a­tion Serv­ers 

Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune


"More detailed description of my open source framework QWICS for modernizing large, transactional legacy enterprise applications written in the COBOL programming language by integrating it with Java Enterprise Edition application servers. The article is addressed to all researchers, developers, IT architects and IT decision makers who are confronted with such questions of modernizing their application landscape. As can be seen from the recent media discussion about the acute shortage of COBOL developers to ensure the operation of unemployment insurance in New Jersey during the Corona crisis, this topic is becoming increasingly important"

Brune, Philipp (2019): An Open Source Approach for Modernizing Message-Processing and Transactional COBOL Applications by Integration in Java EE Application Servers (opens in a new window). In: Web Information Systems and Technologies. WEBIST 2018. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 372 . Springer, Cham, pp. 244-261.

Design­ing Mo­tion – Auto­mot­ive De­sign­ers 1880-1980

Prof. Dr. Markus Caspers 


"It is about the history of automotive design as a scientifically underexposed area of industrial design. The book is for everyone who is interested in design, in cars and in design history and science"

Caspers, Markus (2016): Designing Motion. Automotive Designers. (opens in a new window) Birkhäuser, Basel. 

In­form­a­tions­man­age­ment im Ge­sund­heit­swesen 

Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda 


"I have taken special care to ensure that no previous knowledge is necessary and that the book is still entertaining“

Swoboda, Walter (2017): Informationsmanagement im Gesundheitswesen. (opens in a new window) UTB Verlag, München. 

Sci­entific Writ­ing is... 

"In­tel­lec­tu­ally ex­haust­ing, but as a goal of every re­search pro­ject also highly sat­is­fy­ing once it is fin­ished"

Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune


Per­sonal Canon

For Teresa Moll, Niklas Luhmann had and has a formative influence - especially his work "Social Systems": "It provides me with the research perspective to work on my questions and projects. I have also learned from this that I always have an attentive eye for the other person or the object to be researched. This means taking into account its context and trying to understand its logic, intentions, incentives and interests. Whereby there is never the one truth, but always only subjective constructions of reality.

Roland Barthes' "Mythologies" and the "Dialectic of Enlightenment" by Horkheimer/Adorno were the initial spark for Prof. Dr. Markus Casper's career: "As a young person, both books taught me the joy of and the uncertainty caused by theory. Through these books I discovered and learned to appreciate critical theory and structuralism".

Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda appreciates (philosophical) classics: In his youth he was deeply impressed by Hermann Hesse's "Steppenwolf", and more than once he read "Gödel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas R. Hofstadter.

Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus" and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker's "Die Tragweite der Wissenschaft" are two works that have shaped Prof. Dr. Philipp Brune’s view of the world.

"The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm is a personally important work for Jens Boscheinen: "I know of no other book that explains love in all its facets in such an impressive way and provides the basis for one's own development and existence as this book does. I read it for the first time as compulsory reading in the tenth grade in religious education, and it was the first active engagement with human psychology, which fascinated me then and still fascinates me today".

Prof. Dr. Jens U. Pätzmann describes Werner Kroeber-Riel's book "Consumer Behavior" a groundbreaking work for him personally: "Thirty years ago, the man anticipated so many ideas that are now celebrated as big news in behavioral economics or neuroscience, for example". 


What helps with writer's block?

  1. Prof. Dr. Jens U. Pätzmann 

    Do not work at home but at your workplace, if possible. Physically separate leisure and work. Then leisure and work do not mix up in your head. Make a writing plan for each day. Divide the plan for writing a book into small, easily digestible pieces. Then at least it works for me.

  2. Teresa Moll 

    If the start is bumpy, it usually helps me to let my thoughts run free, i.e. I take a DIN A4 sheet of paper and write down my thoughts spontaneously (actually by hand). Meanwhile I also often use a flip chart. I try to focus on the essential: What should it be about? What is the goal and the relevance behind it? What is the actual problem and question and what could possible solutions look like? And I also try to answer personal questions: What is my incentive behind it? Which insight do I hope to reach and why? What also often helps me is a round in the fresh air, where the approaches often come all by themselves. Sometimes I also make spontaneous voice notes with my cell phone, which can serve as an impulse when I listen in later.

  3. Prof. Dr. Markus Caspers 

    Always have several projects at the same time, procrastinate creatively in between or take a walk.

  4. Jens Boscheinen 

    Take some time off. For me, writing has to arise from a mood and must not be done by force (as with music). It is better to relax one evening in the spa and get down to work the next day than to force yourself to write.

  5. Prof. Dr. Phil­ipp Brune 

    Time pressure is helpful, absolute silence, no distraction.

  6. Prof. Dr. Wal­ter Swoboda 

    Anyone who sits in front of an empty sheet has already done something wrong. You have to wait until the ideas are so pressing that the sheet is full before you really notice it. If it takes a little longer until then – so what?